Training Regimes for Esports Players: Routines That Help Gamers to Win Big

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Due to the surge in popularity that online gaming, and esports, in particular, have seen over the years, you now have every possibility to be able to make a career out of this favourite pastime. When the idea of online gaming was invented all those years ago, no one would have ever thought about just how popular it will become.

It is that popular that sites like VamosGG allow fans to bet on who they think are going to win certain gaming matches and tournaments, just like you would do with football and basketball, for example. But have you ever stopped to think about the training regime that the gamers you are watching could be required to go through to be successful at their craft?

If you haven’t, you are about to find out. This article focuses on some of the training practices that gamers participate in to help them become the ultimate gaming champion.

Practice Makes Perfect

Well, this one speaks for itself. Regardless of whether you are a professional footballer, or if you are making your way through the Dota 2 gaming ranks, you won’t be able to make it to the big-time leagues if you don’t put in the practice where necessary. You see, the world of online gaming is changing and advancing every day, so you need to make sure that you incorporate every change into your gaming strategy.

Setting time aside for both individual and team practice sessions will enable you to spend time focusing on the areas of your game that may not be up to par with the rest of your skills or that of your team. Spending time trying different characters and gameplays, as well as switching roles with your team members will allow you to experience your chosen game in its entirety. Then, when you are playing in a tournament, you can put all this practice to good use.  

Reviewing Past Matches

How will you ever get better if you don’t review and speak about past matches? Most professional gamers will tell you that if you can clearly understand what works and what doesn’t, as well as why your mistakes cost you the win in the first place, that achieving future success is much more likely. This type of activity usually takes place at the beginning of the day, as this will allow you to put any advice or tips that you have just spoken about and incorporate them into your individual or team practices for that day. It is also the perfect opportunity to set out a clear game plan that will allow you to execute your skills better for your next match, whether it be in a tournament or a practice session amongst teammates.


Now, you may be wondering why you would ever need to spend time exercising if you are an esports player. But did you know that it can have a big effect on how successful you are? Exercise has been known to improve endurance, have an increased ability to cope with stress, as well as improving your overall cognitive function. These three areas are factors that could affect gamers and their chances of winning the biggest tournaments in the industry.

Whilst it may not happen often, there could be some occasions where you could be required to play a game for longer than expected. If you can continue clicking that button and pressing certain keys on the keyboard without feeling tired, as well as coping effectively with any stressful gameplays that you could experience will all help you when it comes to how successful you are. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do any exercises that are too strenuous. Just taking part in certain exercises at least once a day will be enough to increase the likelihood of becoming the gaming champion you always thought you could be.

Every gamer and team is different. The training regimes that work for one person may not work for another. So, before you try and make it to the big-time leagues, be sure to sit down with your team or coach and come up with an effective training regime that is specifically tailored to you so you have the best chance of succeeding.


About Author

Fiona is a stay at home mum of 3 and a wife to a city banker. In her spare time (when not looking after the kids) she enjoys running, blogging and taking the digs for long walks.

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