Getting the Most out of Your Tech Gadgets

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We’ve seen it all too often before how a new piece of technology bursts onto the scene as the next biggest thing to perhaps even institute an entire paradigm shift in the way in which we interact with our world, only for that hot new piece of tech to die a quick death and fizzle out as just another one of those which failed to take off properly. I’d guess it’s the tech world’s version of Mother Nature’s natural selection process because quite honestly, a lot of what is called technology these days isn’t really technology in the scientific sense of the term.

Technology is meant to make our lives easier, yet the biggest investments get pumped into what are essentially just websites, apps, and other such platforms which don’t really contribute to making our lives easier or more efficient. The venture capitalists are really only after the money they can make when they look for new start-ups and ideas to fund and they’re not necessarily looking to fund those ventures which contribute a brand new piece of tech to society, if at all.

All of that said, however, any piece of tech is only as good as you know how to use it to its full extent and perhaps even use it in a manner that would fall nothing short of surprising the original developers of that technology. Think about how all the hype around 3-D printers has since died down spectacularly, yet there are some people who have mastered their use to such an extent that they can make their 3-D printer replicate itself by 3-D printing each of the components which make up the original device.

The self-replication feature of some makes of 3D printers is perhaps an extreme case of making full use of a piece of tech’s capabilities, but otherwise, tech gadgets are usually limited in their capabilities only by the imagination. There are however some basic rules to follow if you want to at least get some value out of any piece of tech you’ve paid some good money for.

Protect it

Protecting your device, like your mobile phone, against potentially damaging elements such as water, extreme heat or cold, too much exposure to the sun, falling, etc. is sometimes as simple as buying a cover in the case of something like your Smartphone. Check out these new iPhone cases, which can be found on, to get a good idea of how to offer physical protection for something like your prized Smartphone.

In this regard, you can invest in a silicone or leather case that can absorb shock and prevent any impact on the device. Keep in mind to avoid investing in plastic cases, which are ineffective when it comes to absorbing shock. If you have a plastic back cover and it slips and falls from your hands, chances are it would incur damage to the microphone, speakers, camera, and even the screen, for which you would need to seek the help of an expert who can Fix iPhone (or any other smartphone for that matter).

Keep the Firmware Updated

Most gizmos run on some sort of firmware such as the Android or iOS operating systems in both Android and Apple mobile devices. Make sure to patch new updates as and when they become available to enjoy improved performance and security.

Use Third-Party Apps and Software According to a Specific Need

Don’t be too quick to install every single app you come across. Apps and other third-party software should only be installed on a needs-be basis to solve a specific problem you have or address a specific task. This also spares the memory use, which is often directly linked to the performance of most devices.


About Author

Fiona is a stay at home mum of 3 and a wife to a city banker. In her spare time (when not looking after the kids) she enjoys running, blogging and taking the digs for long walks.

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