Drugs Can Ruin Your Future, Don’t Let Them Ruin Your Finances Too

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If you or someone you love is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, the consequences can be serious – not only in terms of physical health and well-being, but also in terms of finances. Many addicts drive themselves into debt or even steal from family and friends to maintain their habit and struggle to find and hold down a job. So when it comes to seeking treatment, expenses are a primary barrier to access.

Here, the problem is not that there aren’t enough affordable rehab centers, the problem lies in the addict’s lack of willingness in finding one as they often want to drink till the last penny they have. Otherwise, there are a multitude of rehab centers that provide quality treatment without plunging individuals into debt. One such facility happens to be Paramount Recovery Centers, known for their comprehensive and compassionate approach to addiction recovery.

For those with a lack of availability of such centers in their vicinity, there are several other options as well that can keep them out of debt without sacrificing quality treatment.

Invest In Insurance

Many people assume that insurance doesn’t cover addiction treatment, but it all depends on your plan and the rehab center. However, especially in light of today’s opioid epidemic, many rehab centers are partnered with major insurance companies. Check with your provider to find a facility that accepts your insurance. As with any other health issue, a robust insurance plan is a strong defense against debt.

Some drug rehab centers even accept Medicaid if you don’t have private insurance. These are often state-run clinics and other non-profits and may be the best option for low-income individuals with substance abuse problems and there are both inpatient and outpatient options for Medicaid users.

Apply For Scholarships

Did you know that there are scholarships for addiction treatment? Many people are surprised by this fact, but there are actually a number of organizations that will help fund substance abuse care. The 10,000 Beds program, for example, gave over $1 million in scholarship funding for inpatient addiction treatment in 2016 and is on track to give over $2 million in 2017.

Stay In State

It’s not uncommon for individuals to go out of state for drug or alcohol treatment because of a lack of available beds, but staying in-state can be a real advantage when it comes to finding funding. One leading Utah rehab center, Cold Creek Behavioral Health, recommends potential patients seek funding through the Sobriety Foundation, a Utah-specific rehab funder. In a similar vein, many states have addiction treatment services for residents.

Sliding Scale Services

Rehabilitation centers recognize that their services are too expensive for many people who need them, which is why a lot of providers offer sliding scale services. These centers charge patients according to their ability to pay and subsidize treatment either through higher pay caps for wealthy clients or through write-offs, grants, and other financial supports.

Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t afford substance abuse addiction treatment. Everyone can access treatment no matter their financial status – and you don’t have to go into debt to do it. There are countless programs out there to help you bridge the gap between what you can afford and what you need to overcome addiction.


About Author

Fiona is a stay at home mum of 3 and a wife to a city banker. In her spare time (when not looking after the kids) she enjoys running, blogging and taking the digs for long walks.

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